2024 - The Diocesan Year of the New Testament - Latest news and updates for events and activities.
The Bishop of Chichester, Dr Martin Warner, welcomes 2024 as the Year of the New Testament.
In a podcast interview with Reverend Canon Dr Rob Marshall, Bishop Martin looks back on our approach to the New Testament and how viewing the characters and stories associated with the Old and New Testament, through a series of lenses across the ages, has enriched the text. Listen to the podcast here (you will be directed to the Diocesan Soundcloud account).
You can download the audio and listen, click here
Bishop Martin is excited that the months ahead will encourage people of all ages across the Diocese to engage widely with the great themes of the New Testament literature.
Proclaiming the Mystery of Faith 2023 - 2025.
2023 was heralded as the Year to engage with and study the books of what are now known as the Hebrew Scriptures of part of a sequence of themed years leading up to 2025 as the Year of Faith.
Last autumn the Bishop of Chichester, Dr Martin Warner, welcomed the launch of the Year of the Old Testament. Plans included a specially designed Lent Course and study groups made up of clergy and laity.
The bishops of the Diocese also made it clear that they hoped that more and more parishes would ensure that the Old Testament was read in churches more often.
A leaflet explaining the background has been produced here
The Mystery of Faith logo can be downloaded here
The Year of the New Testament poster can be downloaded here
Books to inspire
The Diocese is grateful to St Olav Christian Bookshop in Chichester, for offering to provide a weekly book suggestion as a resource to encourage and guide you throughout the Year of the New Testament. Take a look here
Resources for the Lent course 2024 can be found here