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The Christian tradition has always insisted on the importance of self-reflection in the presence of God. St Augustine prayed, ‘May I know you – may I know myself!’ Through prayer and meditative reflection on the Bible, self-knowledge grows. Yet since we are not merely individuals but parts of the Body of Christ and members of the order of clergy, we need to practice self-reflection in communion with others. We need to see our own reality reflected in that of our ministerial co-workers, to grow together in grace and truth and to mature in our ministry of service. There are various ways that reflective practice can be achieved;consider the options below and enquire by emailing wellbeingforclergy@chichester.anglican.org
Action Learning Sets
Action Learning Sets are small peer-to-peer groups who meet to achieve specific learning goals and might be initiated as part of a training programme. Life-giving social connections can develop through pedagogical process.
Cell Groups
For some clergy, the opportunity to belong to a group of colleagues in which to talk through and reflect upon their experience in their ministry with others who will not judge, but who will support them in making sense of themselves and their experiences, already exists, in the form of a ‘cell group’ dating from their days in training.
“…clergy should be encouraged to develop opportunities for mutual support and pastoral care within chapters, cell groups, or other peer groupings.” Guidelines for the Professional Conduct of the Clergy.
1-1 Professional Supervision
Clergy may choose to pursue their own self-financed or parish-funded 1-1 pastoral/professional supervision. Those in non-parochial roles may have this form of praxis-based, theologically, and psychologically informed support provided. Accredited practitioners can be found here.
Let the reviewer at your next Ministerial Development Review know what form of reflective practice you are participating in.