
The Department for Apostolic Life brings together several areas of responsibility at Church House whose primary aim is to support parishes and individuals in their ‘apostolic’ life and ‘mission’ activities.
The overall team is headed by the Revd Canon Rebecca Swyer, and the principal areas of support include:
- Youth, children and family work
- Lay ministry
- Ordained ministry
- Parish life
- Strategy

Director for Apostolic Life
Head of department, encompassing the Director of Ministry role. Rebecca has oversight of the training and assessment of curates (IME 2), support for curates moving to a post of first responsibility and of initial and ongoing training and support for Training Incumbents.

Parish Development Officer and Deputy Director for Apostolic Life
The Revd Canon Rob Dillingham
Deputy head of department. Rob works with churches and PCCs in several ways: producing a vision for the future; PCC / leadership team training; 1 to 1 coaching and consultancy on managing change within the parish; consultancy around church growth and apostolic partnerships and the implementation of the Diocesan Strategy.

PA to the Director and Deputy Director for Apostolic Life
Administrative role supporting the Director and Deputy Director for Apostolic Life

Senior Parish Adviser (Finance, Stewardship and Governance - This role is part funded by the National Church of England)
Sarah Rogers
Sarah provides: information on strategic stewardship initiatives, information and awareness of the Parish Giving Scheme; assistance with resources and signing-up for PGS; information and awareness of contactless giving as a future replacement for cash giving and information and awareness of legacy giving. Sarah also operates a help-line for PCC members to answer questions on finance, governance and stewardship.

Parish Adviser (Finance, Stewardship and Governance)
Molly Reuter

Programme Delivery Manager (0.6 Post - Monday, Wednesday & Thursday - Role Funded by the Strategic Development Fund)

Parish Development Officer (0.5 Post Funded by Chichester Cathedral)
Jack works as half time parish development officer within the diocese, alongside Rob, his role is to support clergy and Pcc’s to grow their churches so that more people can come to know, love and follow Jesus.

Generous Giving Adviser (0.8 Role Funded in Whole by the National Church of England)
as generous giving adviser, Andrew’s role is to support clergy to develop a culture of generous giving within the diocese. He will do this through providing resources both theological and practical to encourage congregations and communities to be more generous in the giving of time, money and resources.

Deputy Diocesan Director of Ordinands (Deputy DDO) (0.5 Role)
Robert assists the DDO in the discernment and selection of those exploring a call to ordained ministry or religious life. He is responsible for developing training for those selected on the exceptional discernment pathway.

PA to the DDO (0.5 Role)
PA to the DDO and Deputy DDO. Annie also organises financial support for ordinands-in-training.

PA to Officer for Lay Vocation and Ministry and Diocesan Youth Officer (Maternity Leave)
Samantha provides administrative support for Jayne Prestwood, with the running of training courses. Whilst overseeing the process of authorising Lay Ministers of Holy Communion and handling Reader Ministry matters. Samantha also provides administrative support to the Youth and Children team.

PA to Officer for Lay Vocation and Ministry and Diocesan Youth Officer (Maternity Cover)

Diocesan Youth Officer
Dan runs May Camp and Mini May Camp and offers one to one support for churches and youth workers in relation to strategy and funding (including the Mission Fund) and a range of training events relating to youth work. He produces a regular e-news list and has a lending library of books, games and large play resources.

Children, Youth and Family Strategy Officer

Head of Wellbeing for Clergy and Families (Role Funded by the B. Wild Fund)
Laura oversees the Wellbeing for Clergy and Families service; providing support in the form of short-term counselling, traumatic event debriefing, wellbeing events, and workshops on topics such as: Managing Stress, Avoiding Burnout and Women’s Health.
Further details and resources can be found here https://www.chichester.anglican.org/wellbeing-for-clergy-and-families/

CMD Officer (0.5 Role)
Earl organises and delivers a range of appropriate training courses for clergy in response to ministerial objectives identified through MDR.

MDR, CMD & Pastoral Care Administrator
Ruth administers the Ministerial Development Review (MDR) scheme for all licensed clergy, grants for clergy to attend training events/conferences and to undertake courses of study, Extended Ministerial Development Leave (EMDL) and Study Leave. She produces a Training Brochure that includes courses and study days for clergy and licensed lay ministers.

Rural Officer (0.5 Role Funded by the Ashburnham Giving Trust)
Gary offers training and advice to the eastern part of the diocese on rural issues. Gary has a wealth of experience and resources to help rural churches not just to survive but thrive.

Bishop's Advisor for Self Supporting Ministry (SSM)
Serving as an advocate for SSM ministry in the diocese alongside being licensed to the Deanery of Lewes and Seaford and working as a solicitor four days a week.

Bishop’s Advisor for Deliverance Ministry
The task of the Advisor is to support clergy in their ministry, which might involve simply listening and offering advice on how to proceed. In other instances, a member of the team will arrange to visit in person, ministering alongside the parish clergy. Occasionally, and especially when there is no connection with the church, referrals might be made directly to the team. Clergy should undertake only such ministry under the direction of the Bishops Advisor Keith is assisted in the role of Advisor by a small team of clergy, who are spread geographically across the diocese. Deliverance ministry is part of the wider ministry of pastoral care, carried out in accordance with the House of Bishops Guidance on Deliverance Ministry.

Vocations Adviser - West (Voluntary Role)

Vocations Adviser - East (Voluntary Role)

IME and Reader Tutor