Diocese of Chichester

Church Commissioners

Your stipend is paid through the Church Commissioners in 12 equal payments a year. If you have any queries regarding your stipend, please contact them on 020 7898 1618 or clergy.payments@churchofengland.org

It is useful if you can provide your unique ID number, and/or your national insurance number which is found on your payslip.

For Clergy HR, inclusing stipends, moves and resettlement grants

Imogen Robins is the Appointments Secretary and Clergy HR Officer. You can contact Imogen for support and advice. Imogen liaises with the Church Commissioners and also arranges removals and resettlement grants for clergy.

Sickness Absence

If you are off work unwell (even for one day), please notify ClergyHR@chichester.anglican.org.

For full details, please view the Clergy Sick Leave Policy.

Jury Service

If you are participating in Jury Service, please notify ClergyHR@chichester.anglican.org.

Maternity/Paternity Leave

Family Friendly Pay and Leave. The Diocese is committed to family friendly working and offers maternity, paternity and adoption pay and leave in excess of statutory entitlements. A separate guide to family friendly leave is available. If you have any questions please contact Imogen Robins.

Further details can be found in the Clergy Manual and Financial Aspects of Ministry.

Related Resources