
We might be feeling uncertain, overwhelmed or bewildered in the face of the climate and environmental crisis. But we can find a positive way forward, with a vision for a better connected, more sustainable, fairer world for ourselves and our families, those in our communities and our neighbours across the globe.
I’m Rev Buff Forbes Stone, working as a self-supporting minister and Diocesan Environment Officer and as DEO, my role is to help individuals and parishes in implementing our policy.
We are doing this through the Parish Environment Support Network (PESN) of Eco Church Champions who are leading their parishes through the A Rocha Eco Church Award scheme so that care of God’s creation is embedded in all our worship, in the use of church buildings and land, in our local and global connections, and in our own lives.
PESN meets every month online - to join contact: environment.officer@chichester.anglican.org
We plan regular Diocesan Environment Days to inform and encourage individuals and parishes on their Eco Church journeys, hold regular Carbon Literacy Training, and connect people via the PESN Facebook page.
We need to do this work together and so our diocese is working on a new environmental policy, which will shortly go to Bishop’s Council and Diocesan Synod for approval.
Watch this Youtube video - Bishop Graham Usher: theology of creation care here
Read how a church became a model for Eco-Friendly Community Engagement
Bat and Moth Nights at Pulborough
Twelve ways to live more sustainably