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Curacy training is the second stage of Initial Ministerial Education (IME 2), following ordination to the diaconate. Stipendiary curacies in the Diocese of Chichester last for 3 to 3.5 years and Self-Supporting curacies between 3 and 4 years. IME 2 is overseen by Revd Canon Rebecca Swyer, Director for Apostolic Life, working closely with senior staff and training incumbents (who oversee the parish-based training).
During curacy, newly ordained clergy must gain experience and competency across a range of ministerial tasks. It is also essential that they continue to deepen their faith, spiritual life and discipleship to equip and sustain their ongoing ministry as deacons or priests. Building a sustainable pattern of ministry includes the setting of good boundaries, patterns of work and self- care. We want every curate to grow into the deacon or priest God is calling them to be, according to their gifts, personality and their theological tradition.
Whilst the parish is the primary training context, curates also participate in the diocesan IME programme. This is designed to be flexible to relate effectively to each training context and the formational needs of each curate.
Curates can engage with the programme via a non-validated route but do have the option of following a BA or Pg. Dip route (depending on previous qualifications), Common Awards degrees validated by the University of Durham and run in partnership with St. Augustine’s College of Theology, our local Theological Education Institute.
Training incumbents are given initial training to prepare them for the role and they meet at regular intervals during the curacy, providing the opportunity for input on a range of subjects, sharing experience and good practice and not least offering mutual support.
All curates in the Church of England undergo assessment at the end of curacy and their training must be formally signed off by the diocesan bishop. Curates are assessed against the House of Bishops Formation Criteria, drawing in assessment by the training incumbent, Rebecca Swyer and relevant others.
For more information please contact Revd Canon Rebecca Swyer.
Tel: 01273 425 015