
Welcome to the Chichester Cursillo page
Is there a new ministry in you waiting to be discovered?
Are you ready to take your next step?
A Cursillo residential weekend could be the answer you're looking for.
So what is Cursillo?
Cursillo is a method within the Anglican Church that begins with a 3 day course on discipleship. It challenges, surprises and delights us as we take a fresh look at our journey of faith.
Who is it for?
Cursillo is open to anyone active in Church life who wants to serve God in the Church and the world around them.
But what's so special about Cursillo?
After the weekend Cursillo offers ongoing support through small groups in your own Parish. These groups soon become a much loved source of prayer support and sharing.
The heart of Cursillo is Clergy and Laity working together... sharing God's love with everyone.
For more information click on the link below, or contact us:
Stephen Lucas on 01403 820605
Get in touch we're looking forward to hearing from you!