- Lent 2025
- Racial Justice
- Baptism and Confirmation Resources
Church Buildings
- The Consistory Court of the Diocese of Chichester
- Judgments of the Consistory Court
- The Church Buildings Team and the DAC
- Permissions for Works to Church Buildings
- Archdeacons' Permissions - The List B Process
- Applying for a Faculty
- DAC Meeting and Site Visit Dates
- Site Visits and Informal Advice
- Diocesan Registry and Consistory Court
- Fundraising for Church Building Projects
- Resources and Useful Links
- Small Grants - Minor Repairs & Improvements and Net Zero Quick Wins
- Church Service Resources
- Communications Advice
- Data Protection and GDPR
- Emergency Contact Information
- Emergency Response Plan
- Faith at Home
- Generous Giving
Information and Resources for PCCs
- Annual Church Parochial Meeting (APCM)
- Guidance for Holding an Electronic or Hybrid APCM
- Annual Reporting
- Churchwardens Visitations
- Equality and Inclusion
- Giving and Generosity
- Information for Churchwardens
- Information for PCC Secretaries/Administrators
- Information for Parishes in Vacancy
- Information for PCC Treasurers
- Information for Electoral Roll Officers
- Making the Most of Assets
- Parish Records
- PCC Insurance
- Policy Templates
- Property Information for PCCs
- Safeguarding
- Information on Parish Share
- Information on Parochial Fees
- Living in Love and Faith
- Parish Buying Scheme
- Parish Development
- Parish Returns and Mission Statistics
- Partner Organisations and Useful Links
- Pastoral Reorganisation
- Parishes in Vacancy
- The Advisory Panel for Worship (AWP)
- Apostolic Partnerships

Legislation and Forms
- Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015 (as amended in 2018 and 2022)
- List A
- List B
- Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure 2018
- Chancellor's General Directions
- Chichester Churchyard Regulations
- Additional Matters Order - Dispensations from Faculty
- DAC application pack
- List B application form
- Application for introduction of memorial
- Petition for a faculty for reservation of a grave space
- Petition for a faculty for the introduction of a memorial into a churchyard
Guidance from the Church Buildings Council
Please see here for detailed guidance notes on over 30 topics, covering everything from chairs to trees:
Please see here for the Church of England guidance on the Path to Net Zero Carbon:
Please see here for advice and templates for drafting Statements of Significance and Needs:
Guidance from Historic England
The Historic England website also has come helpful guidance for those responsible for looking after listed buildings, including information about the Heritage at Risk programme.
Guidance from Ecclesiastical Insurance Group
The Ecclesiastical website has some excellent guidance for churches on a range of church building, health and safety, and risk management topics, covering everything from asbestos to lightning protection and arson.
Guidance on the Closure and Maintenance of Churchyards
Please see here for a link to a guidance note from the Diocesan Registry on the Closure and Maintenance of Churchyards: