
The Chichester Diocesan database now runs through the Church of England portal. This is a fully online system meaning you can access the database from anywhere in the world by logging onto the portal website.
If you are not signed up to the database and wish to access it please follow the instructions below. Please note that only known contacts from the Diocese of Chichester will be permitted access to the database.
There are two stages to the sign up process. The first of these is to register for an account on the portal. To do this please follow the link below and you can register for an account – where possible please use the email address you have registered with the Diocese for this as the database will use this email to link your account and your Diocesan contact record on the system.
Once you have confirmed your account on the portal you will need to request access to the Diocese of Chichester database. As the portal is used as the gateway for over 24 diocese to access their databases this is an important step.
On the left of the screen when you log in to the portal you will see a square box labelled “contact management system”, you need to click on this box and then on the next screen you need to ‘request CMS access’ then click the drop down box and select Chichester. If you can then add as much detail as possible into the Parish and postcode boxes this will also help us to link your request to your specific contact record. Once these are done please submit the request.
Submitting your request will generate an email to the administrators in Church House, Hove who will set up your account. This is a fairly swift process but could take up to 48 hours to complete if we are dealing with a large number of requests.
Once your account is set up you will be able to edit your own contact record and keep your details up to date as well as viewing data across the diocese which has not been restricted due to data protection requests.
If you require assistance navigating the database please contact the Database and Statistics Administrator or telephone 01273 421 021.