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- The Church Buildings Team and the DAC
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- Archdeacons' Permissions - The List B Process
- Applying for a Faculty
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The DAC advises the Chancellor and parishes on faculty applications, but it is the Chancellor (or Deputy Chancellor) who decides whether or not a faculty should be granted.
Once a parish has received formal advice from the DAC, the next step in the process is to submit the faculty petition to the Diocesan Registry for the Chancellor’s consideration.
The Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor
Professor Mark Hill QC has been Chancellor of the Diocese of Chichester since 1999. He is also Chancellor of the Diocese of Leeds and the Diocese in Europe, and Deputy Chancellor of the Diocese of York. Mr Robin Hopkins was appointed at Deputy Chancellor of the Diocese of Chichester in October 2016.
Professor Mark Hill QC
The Diocesan Registry
The Registrar for the Diocese of Chichester is Mr Darren Oliver and the Registry Clerk is Ms Anne-Marie Organ.
The Chichester Registry is based at the law firm of Winckworth Sherwood in London. In addition to dealing with faculty applications, the Registry also provides legal advice to the Diocese; works closely with the Diocesan Office and Palace in relation to clergy appointments; makes preparations for the consecration of churches, churchyards and cemeteries; maintains legal records of parishes and churchyards; and maintains the Register of Patrons.
Contacting the Registry
Queries should be addressed to the Registry Clerk in the first instance, using the following contact details:
Tel: 0207 593 5015
Email: ChichesterRegistry@wslaw.co.uk
Post: Chichester Diocesan Registry, Winckworth Sherwood,
255 Blackfriars Road