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Sermons Documents
Sermon from Evensong to commemorate and give thanks for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Sermon from Evensong to commemorate and give thanks for the Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Chichester cathedral Sat 17 and Sun 18 Sept.
Sermon: Chichester Cathedral Requiem Eucharist for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth
Bishop Martin's Sermon: Chichester Cathedral Requiem Eucharist for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth. Sunday 11th September 2022
Pentecost sermon 2022
Bishop Martin's sermon from the Pentecost service at Chichester Cathedral
Jubilee Sermon
Bishop Martin's sermon from the Jubilee service in Chichester Cathedral on Saturday June 4th 2022
Chrism Eucharist April 2022 Sermon
Chrism Eucharist April 2022 Sermon All Saints Church Hove
Bishop Martins sermon for the ordinations of Deacons 2021
Bishop Martin's sermon for the ordination of deacons 2021