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Latest news
250 free online fundraising packs available
Funding platform easyfundraising has 250 free fundraising toolkits to give away to help our churches raise money easily online.
The packs contain shareable content to help you get your congregation raising money for you online, including social media posts, newsletter contents, poster, flyers and videos.
Through easyfundraising, 8,000 online retailers will donate money to your church when your congregation and community shop with them. Retailers include Tesco, trainline, eBay, Argos, Just Eat, Sainsbury’s, John Lewis, Asda, Booking.com and 8,000 others. All you need to do is use the free packs to tell your supporters about it!
To get your complimentary pack, register your church for free with easyfundraising. When prompted, choose the option to schedule a call with a member of the team, who will then arrange for your free toolkit and explain how easyfundraising works.
There are 250 packs available – don’t miss out, claim yours today here: www.easyfundraising.org.uk/diocese-of-chichester
How easyfundraising works
Parishioner Sarah wants to buy a birthday present for her friend. Instead of directly visiting the M&S website, Sarah first goes to easyfundraising's website and then clicks on the M&S link.
easyfundraising will redirect Sarah to the M&S website, where she can browse and make a purchase just as she normally would. The fantastic part is that since Sarah started her shopping journey at easyfundraising, her church will receive 3% of her spending directly from M&S without any additional cost to her.
The benefits:
- Completely free to register and use
- Open to churches of all shape and size – you don’t need to be a charity
- The funds you raise class as unrestricted fundsso you can use your donations as you wish
- Easy and quick to sign up and get started – no paperwork
What do other churches think?
The Diocesan Digital Team visited churches across the Diocese to hear what they had to say about easyfundraising. The team visited St Richard Aldwick (watch it here) St Mary Billingshurst (watch it here ) St Giles Graffham (watch it here) and Chanctonbury churches (watch it here)
PCC member Jason Pimblett from St Laurence Church in Falmer tells us here how easy easyfundraising is and encourages parishes to give it a go!
Getting started
- Click here to create your church profile on the easyfundraising site.
- Get familiar with easyfundraising. You can book a call with one of the team, who will show you around, so you are up to speed on how it works.
- Use the free marketing tools including social media copy, images, posters, and flyers in your easyfundraising account to tell your church community how easy it is for them to support you when they shop online.