- Clergy CMD
- Clergy Conference
- CMD Developing Ministries Brochure
- Clergy HR
- Clergy Property Services
- Cost of Living - Support for Clergy
- Curacy (IME 2)
- Emergency Contact Information
- Emergency Response Plan
- Guidebook for Clergy
- Media Resources for Clergy
- Mentoring
- Ministerial Development Review (MDR)
- Permission to Officiate
- Retired Clergy
- Wellbeing for Clergy and Families
- Archbishop of Canterbury Visit

Clergy can apply for Extended Ministerial Development Leave (EMDL) after completing ten years of stipendiary ministry. The Diocese makes twelve £800 grants available each year to support EMDL projects. If you’re interested, you should raise the question at your MDR meeting, and then you will be invited to meet the CMD officer to discuss your plans in more detail.