Green tariffs – what are they, and why should we switch?
A series of webinars, organised by the three dioceses of Guildford, Portsmouth and Chichester, to help churches move through the Net Zero journey, from audit to planning to action.
There are five webinars in all. Green tariffs takes place on 19th March (book here) and then there are four more:
Let there be (LED) light! Lowering energy use and our electricity bills
Wednesday 7 May, 1pm
Heating our churches 1: Effective heating and Heat pumps
Wednesday 25 June, 1pm
Heating our churches 2: A ‘heat the people’ approach and Infra-Red heating
Wednesday 17 September, 1pm
Generating our own power: Photo-Voltaic (solar) panels
Wednesday 29 October, 1pm
All are welcome and attendance is free-of-charge, no booking needed. Use the QR code on the poster here