The Chrism Eucharist, Reaffirmation of Ordination Commitment & Blessing of the Oils
The Chrism Eucharist is a joyful opportunity to renew our response to this calling as ordained ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Booking: how and why
We are asking you to book so that we have a realistic indication of seating that will enable us to ensure the best participation possible. Places are not limited and there is no charge. In order to indicate you will be present, please follow the link here
NB The division is due to Health and Safety number limitations
❖ In the Vicars’ Hall (at the eastern end of the cathedral):-
Clergy from the archdeaconry of Hastings and of Brighton and Lewes.
❖ In the Palace Great Kitchen (at the western end of the cathedral):-
Clergy from the archdeaconry of Chichester and of Horsham.
❖ In the Palace Music Room (at the western end of the cathedral):-
Readers from across the whole diocese and College of Canons.
❖ In the Bishop’s Chapel
Dean and Chapter, Archdeacons, Honorary Assistant Bishops, Suffragan Bishops, the Bishop and assistants.
NB Those who need an accessible entrance should go straight to the cathedral and ask for directions.
Robing instructions
Readers: Alb, or cassock, surplice and blue scarf;
Clergy: Alb and white stole, or cassock, surplice and white stole or scarf;
Suffragan and Honorary Assistant Bishops: Alb, white mitre and white cope.
Oil distribution
❖ Oils can be collected after the service from the Eastern Arm in the Cathedral. Please ensure that suitable receptacles are presented for the oils.
❖ A parish or chaplaincy representative should have a note authorising them to collect the oils.
❖ Oils are also available throughout the year from The Palace, should you require further supplies.
The Chrism Eucharist is a joyful opportunity to renew our response to this calling as ordained ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Where does that joy come from?
So many of you speak about the joy of seeing people come to faith in Jesus Christ. And you speak of the persistence of that faith in those you serve.
This Year of Faith is an extended celebration of our baptism. We are ordained as a consequence of our baptism. The astonishing privilege of celebrating the sacraments of new life in baptism and the Eucharist should indeed be a source of awe and holy joy.
Please make it a priority to join with the ‘Bishop and fellow ministers’ (The Ordinal) in renewing your acceptance of the charge entrusted to you. Let us pray for each other, with thanksgiving, seeking earnestly the gift of the Holy Spirit.