Vocations Day 10th May
A day for anyone who is wondering whether God might be calling them to ordained ministry in the Church of England.
You may have already taken some steps down this route – or you may never have thought about it until now! Either way, the day will help you think, talk and pray through this question. Partners are also welcome to attend.
10th May 2025 at St Mary’s Church, Causeway, Horsham RH12 1HE. The day begins with coffee at 10.30am and will end by 3.00pm. Speakers to include Bishop Ruth and the Revd Giles Carpenter, Director of Vocations.
St Mary’s is approximately a ten-minute walk from Horsham Station.
If you would like to attend the day and for further information, please email Annie Compton: annie.compton@chichester.anglican.org