Events in the Diocese Events
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Church celebrates 750 years
You are invited to an illustrated talk at 7.30pm at Whatlington Church, which marks the 750th anniversary of the present building this year. The talk ...
Preaching the Mystery of the Trinity
Preaching the Mystery of the Trinity - this online zoom event is led by Revd Canon Dr Earl Collins
Vocations Day 10th May
A day for anyone who is wondering whether God might be calling them to ordained ministry in the Church of England.
Mothers Union Spring Gathering
The Mothers Union Spring Gathering takes place on 10th May at St John's Church Preston, Brighton. Guest Speaker is Rachael Anderson from Mary Sumner House
A day of rest at Crowhurst
Crowhurst Christian Healing Centre are hosting a day of rest for people in ministry.
Ride +Stride on Saturday September 13th
This year Ride +Stride will take place on Saturday 13th September All day. This is a great time to plan a route to explore your ...