
The General Synod considers and approves legislation affecting the whole of the Church of England, formulates new forms of worship, debates matters of national and international importance, and approves the annual budget for the work of the Church at national level.
Diocesan representatives are elected to the Houses of Clergy and Laity and vote on the issues presented at Synod.
Voting ended on 29 August 2024 and the count was conducted electronically by Civica Election Services using the Single Transferable Vote Rules. The results sheets can be found at this link (as required by Laity Election Rules Rule 11). Congratulations to Mr Bob Chambers who was successfully elected. Thank you to all those that took the time to apply, it is much appreciated.
Please see the Related Resources below for further information.
Current Membership
House of Bishops
The Rt Revd Dr Martin Warner
The following have been elected to represent the Diocese of Chichester on General Synod.
Proctors in Convocation
Revd Steve Burston
Canon Andrew Cornes
Revd Arwen Folkes
Ven Luke Irvine-Capel
Revd Martin Poole
House of Laity
Mr Martin Auton-Lloyd
Mrs Catherine Butcher
Mr Bob Chambers
Dr Simon Eyre
Mrs Mary Nagel
Mrs Tina Nay
Mr Bradley Smith
Mr Jacob Vince