You Have Been Amazing!
A video, capturing how parishes have responded to the challenges presented during Covid 19, has been released.
Parishes in the Diocese of Chichester have responded so positively when faced with the closure of churches for worship and all the many other activities that take place in our church buildings.
In a video, called Faith in Action, produced by the Communications Team, we have been able to highlight just some of the positive activities and online services that have taken place. Since Lockdown our parishes have still been welcoming people old and new every Sunday. Our clergy and curates have overcome the many challenges to offer a service of worship inviting people to participate from their home.
The diocese has also provided many resources, Eucharist services and services of prayer throughout Easter to Pentecost to encourage and support all that our parishes have been doing.
On top of this, each day, throughout this time of Covid, clergy from across the diocese have been sharing their thoughts using the daily readings for inspiration.
New things have been born out of this time. Choirs have come together digitally to sing, Children’s work has continued with a twist and youth work went online.
Church governance has continued throughout, ensuring that our parishes have the support they most need when we are finally able to open up our churches once more to the communities we serve faithfully. Through all this we have become a stronger household of faith.
You can watch the video Faith in Action
Church can now open for private prayer - see the Church of England's statement here