Diocese of Chichester

The Ven Fiona Windsor, Archdeacon for life

Bishop Martin has appointed the former Archdeacon of Horsham, Fiona Windsor, Archdeacon Emerita

On 9 dec 2020

In Diocese of Chichester

By Comms

The Bishop of Chichester informed Fiona last month of his decision. He wrote: "In recognition for your distinguished service as Archdeacon of Horsham and in celebration of all that you have brought to the life of the Diocese, I am delighted to appoint you Archdeacon Emerita."

Fiona was appointed to the role of Archdeacon of Horsham in 2014.  After a spell of ill health in the Spring of this year, Fiona took early retirement. Her farewell leaving services had to be cancelled due to the Covid restrictions. 

She was appointed Chaplain to the Queen earlier this year - a title which she currently still holds. 

Archdeacon Emerita is the title given to former female Archdeacons and Emeritus is the title given to former male Archdeacons.