All systems go for Lent Holy Week & Easter
One year on from the most challenging and unpredictable few weeks marking the end of Lent 2020, Holy Week & Easter, the Diocese of Chichester is on the front foot this year in its planning for Lent, Holy Week & Easter 2021.
Churches were closed last year in the run up to last Easter as COVID-19 cases increased dramatically. Many clergy and laity embarked on a steep learning curve as services had to be live streamed from other places with church doors locked even for daily prayers.
The Bishop and Cathedral responded quickly by working together to provide a series of memorable services to guide the faithful through the great events of Holy Week & Easter, thus helping parishes without the necessary online resources to worship, pray and share together.
Slowly, however, parishes adapted and developed new skills. Services were streamed. Morning Prayer via Zoom became quite the norm. Compline by Facebook Live was the norm in some parishes as bible studies and nurture groups also moved online.
Considering this steep learning curve and with the Diocese once again facing serious limitations on what it can safely offer in its hundreds of churches as Lent 2021 begins - an impressive programme of special services, sermons and plans for great Red-Letter days of Holy Week are in an advanced stage of planning.
A sermon recorded by members of the diocesan team will be available for parishes to use every week between now and Easter.
The new Lent Course – Cracked Wide Open - will soon be available providing invaluable resources for local parishes to be adapted so that churches can use it effectively.
The Bishop is planning to join churchwardens in all 21 deaneries for the evening service Compline on different nights in Lent. Bishop Martin is looking forward to thanking them and their PCC's for all the work they have undertaken in extraordinary circumstances.
Meanwhile Bishop Ruth and Bishop Will are to invite clergy to pray with them in their deaneries in a similar series of Night Prayer services taking place during the 40 days and nights of Lent.
Ash Wednesday will, of course, be different this year. The Bishop is to record a special short video message in which he will talk about fasting and prayer.
Whilst the renewal of ordination vows service is expected to go ahead online - the Chrism Eucharists are to be delayed until they can hopefully take place physically at a date later in the year.
The Bishop is working with the Cathedral to ensure that other key moments in the dramatic events of Holy Week leading up to the resurrection of Jesus on Easter day are reflected online.
Cracked Wide Open – Diocesan Lent Course 2021
Bishop John Ford has been working with people from across the Diocese to bring together some meaningful and encouraging resources for this year's Diocesan Lent course – Cracked Wide Open.
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused us to face up to fundamental questions about life, its meaning and purpose. A lot of people have found this to be a time when there has been a real need to return to basics. When we have been locked down, with many of the usual activities and distractions that occupy our time unavailable, we have had to face questions concerning the very essence of our lives.
The hope is as parishes continue to communicate online in the coming weeks Cracked Wide Open will seek to help disciples prepare for the coming Paschal Mystery within the wider theme of what it means to describe ourselves as part of the one church.
It has been compiled with a view to enabling discussion and reflection concerning how we, as pilgrims within the Diocese of Chichester, might be more open to the demands of the Paschal Mystery and how, being so open, requires careful attention to the mission of God and to the unity which is critical to that mission and so clearly commanded by Jesus.
The course includes:
- Bible study notes for the gospel readings set for the Sundays Lent 1 to Lent 5.
- A filmed reflection by Bishop Martin for use in liturgical worship on each of the Sundays from Lent 1 to Lent 5. These are short (about 5 minutes) and intended to be used as post-communion reflections.
- Guidance notes with background reading
- Guidance notes with background reading for the following conversation with Bishop Ruth and Bishop Will
- A filmed conversation between Bishop Ruth and Bishop Will as discussion starters for each week.
- A prayer diary for the weeks Lent 1 to Lent 5.
- Outline liturgies – one for each week
All the resources can be accessed via the Diocesan website here Should you need help with downloading any of the session materials please contact: Amber Jackson, Communications Assistant on
If you do not have access to online facilities, please contact neighbouring parishes and help ought to be forthcoming!