Diocese of Chichester

Nicola Canham relinquishes her role

On 16 jun 2021

In Diocese of Chichester

By communications

Nicola Canham has fulfilled her role as Head of Wellbeing for Clergy and Their Families (WCF) with exceptional commitment and diligence and has earned the trust of the clergy. She has been a great advocate for the wellbeing of clergy through the counselling service, Reflective Practice Groups and training events.

It is therefore with much sadness that she has made the difficult decision to relinquish her role, finishing on 31st August. Nicola says: ’As some of you are aware, I live in Kent, and I have been finding the travelling very tiring and am also keen to reduce my work hours so that I can continue to promote my own wellbeing. I have now found a position which is more local to me with fewer hours. I have enjoyed the diversity and challenge of my role enormously and it has been a joy and a privilege to have been able to work in a wonderfully supportive team and diocese.’

We remain committed to the central importance of the WCF service in the diocese. The confidential counselling provision and Reflective Practice groups will continue, using the WCF team of therapists and group facilitators.The advertisement the vacant role is here