Diocese of Chichester

Called by name

As school leaver services were disrupted again this year, we were delighted the cathedral agreed to host a beautiful installation of colourful butterflies to mark year 6 pupils' transition from primary to secondary school.

On 2 jul 2021

In Diocese of Chichester

By communications

The amazing cascade of butterflies, each made by a Year 6 pupil, and each sent into the Cathedral from across Sussex, are an invitation to all who come to the Cathedral, including individual classes, to pray for all who coming to the end of their time at primary school.

Canon Chancellor Daniel Inman said:
"In a year of enormous disruption for school-pupils, we were obviously very sorry not to host schools in person at the Cathedral, but we join with the whole Diocese in praying for pupils as they embark upon the next stage of their education - that they would know the protection and strength of God who always goes before us".

The butterflies have been sent in from all corners of the Diocese, including schools in both East and West Sussex. The children have been hugely creative. The butterflies are of every colour, made from many types of recycled materials, paper, card and wire, including two beautiful ceramic butterflies made from pupils at one of the smallest primary schools in the Diocese, Bury Church of England Primary School. All in all, over 1400 butterflies have been incorporated in the sculpture, which is displayed across the Arundel Screen in the Cathedral Nave. The ‘Called by Name’ artwork will be on display at Chichester Cathedral for another two weeks until 15th July.

A Prayer for School Leavers

May the road rise to meet you

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face.

May the rain fall softly upon your fields.Until we meet again,

may God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

