Diocese of Chichester

New Rural Dean for Chichester appointed

The Bishop of Chichester has appointed The Revd Martha Weatherill, Associate Vicar of St Paul Chichester with Westampnett, as the new Rural Dean of Chichester.

On 3 aug 2021

In Bishop

By communications

She succeeds the Revd Dr David Jarret.

The Archdeacon of Chichester, Luke Irvine-Capel said: “I am delighted to welcome Martha into her new ministry among us as a Rural Dean and am greatly looking forward to working with her as we serve the clergy and parishes of the Chichester Deanery.

“Please may we keep Martha, and everyone in the Chichester Deanery, in our prayers.”

Martha, who succeeds Revd David Jarrett, took up her new appointment on August 1st and is in addition to her parish role.. Martha’s secondment role with the National Giving Team for the Church of England comes to an end after one year in post.

note: Martha has been appointed as Interim Priest-in-charge of Lavant and will be licensed by The Bishop of Horsham at the Bishop's House on 8th September at 3pm.