Diocese of Chichester

Lambeth Bishops visit

Bishop Martin welcomes link bishops from the Lambeth Conference to the Bishop’s Palace in Chichester for a reception, Evensong and dinner.

On 4 aug 2022

In Diocese of Chichester

By communications

Bishop Martin was joined by his suffragan bishops, Bishop Will and Bishop Ruth and members of the Diocesan Overseas Committee and Mothers’ Union to welcome eight Bishops and their wives from our overseas African linked partners. They arrived in Chichester from Canterbury where they have been attending the Lambeth Conference 2022.

They were treated to refreshments and then afternoon tea. They had a tour of the grounds of the cathedral and rooms and gardens of the Bishop’s Palace. They attended Evensong followed by a supper and presentation of gifts from the Diocese and from Mothers’ Union. They departed for Canterbury in the late evening to continue their conference.

In a podcasts recorded during the reception, The Mayor of Chichester, Julian Joy said:  "The Witterings are twinned with Sierre Leone, so it is fantastic to be here meeting our linked diocese and to be welcoming them to Chichester. We are hearing fantastic stories about how we are helping each other out in the dioceses. I'm really happy to be here."

Bishop Dibo from Cameroon was trained as a priest with the support of funds from the Diocese Overseas Committee. He said he had many memories from previous visits and it was like 'Coming home.'

Please join us in prayer as our overseas linked partners continue with their programme at the Lambeth Conference and their journey back home.

Podcast conversations with some of our guests and Bishop Martin were recorded in the very busy tea room in the Bishop's Palace and you can listen to them here

Pictures from the visit can be seen on our Facebook page here