Diocese of Chichester

Inspiring Churches on the Eco Journey

Over 80 enthusiastic individuals from churches across the Diocese gathered at St Mark's Holbrook for an empowering conference on environmental stewardship. The day was filled with inspiring stories, practical workshops, and a shared commitment to care for God's creation.

On 20 jun 2024

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Rev’d Buff Forbes Stone, Diocesan Environment Officer, who led the day with Karen Park from St Mark's Holbrook said: "We were delighted to welcome so many people from our churches who clearly wanted to know more about the climate change issues affecting us all and what their church can do.

“This was a significant step in their journey as the delegates learned about simple actions they could take and how to get the whole community involved."

The conference, which was first held last year, witnessed an increase in delegates, attracting twice as many attendees. The increase in participation highlights the enthusiasm among our members to respond to the environmental challenges facing our communities. Doubling the number of attendees enabled the conference organisers to foster a more diverse and vibrant exchange of ideas, networking opportunities, and insights.

The event began with a time of worship, reflecting on the biblical call to be caretakers of the earth and our responsibility to our global neighbours. Participants then heard about the Eco Church Award scheme and the remarkable steps St Mark's Holbrook has taken on its eco journey.

Practical Workshops and Expert Guidance
Local experts ran eight interactive workshops, each offering practical guidance on topics like eco- worship, managing church land and buildings, promoting biodiversity, and communicating environmental messages effectively. 

Karen Blackman, a participant from St Margaret’s Church West Hoathly, shared her experience: "It was an inspiring day and well worth attending. There were thought-provoking presentations, interesting workshops, a wealth of resources on offer, and plenty of ideas being shared. I came back filled with hope for what we can do together to better care for God's creation."

Another attendee, Rev’d Dr Tim Edge from St Luke’s Church Prestonville Brighton said: “It was a magnificent day conference on the environment; excellent all round with good workshops, worship and speakers.”

One of the workshop leaders, Rev’d David Farey, is a former Diocesan Environmental Officer, He said, “Back when we launched the diocese on the eco journey in 2014 we could never have held an event like this. We’ve still a long way to go, but we have come a long way already.”

Representatives from Christian Climate Action, The Quiet Garden Movement, Greenpeace, Horsham Eco Church, and Sussex Green Living also provided valuable information and resources. 

A Journey of Hope and Action
As the day drew to a close, Rev Buff Forbes Stone reflected on the collective commitment to environmental stewardship: "We came away encouraged, refreshed and full of hope about what our churches might achieve by working together and with national initiatives. We recognise the global climate and biodiversity crisis that is engulfing the world, but know that: 'This Christian hope: the future is in God's hands' (Pope Francis)."

Together, participants pledged to take the next steps on this journey, guided by God's call to care for creation. All handouts from the workshops will be available on the diocesan website soon. To join the Parish Environment Support Network (PESN). network, please email environment.officer@chichester.anglican.org. A heartfelt thanks to the people of St Mark's for their fantastic hospitality and generosity in hosting this inspiring event.