Diocese of Chichester

Local Fisherman to embark on heroic rowing challenge for Church window

In a remarkable display of community spirit and physical endurance, Ross Fisher, a fisherman and resident of Felpham for over 70 years, is set to undertake a special rowing expedition from Felpham Sailing Club beach to the Isle of Wight and back, this summer, to raise funds for a new stained-glass window in St Mary's Church, Felpham, dedicated to the late Queen Elizabeth II's life of service.

On 18 jul 2024

In Diocese of Chichester

By comms

Ross, a lifelong sailor and former Coastguard with over 20 years of service, will navigate the waters in his 60-year-old Pearson glass-fibre fishing boat, which was made at Ford.

The locally crafted vessel which is a testament to Ross Fisher’s deep connection to the area, will be equipped with two pairs of oars for the journey. "This challenge is close to my heart," he explained. "It combines my love of the sea with an opportunity to contribute to our local church and honour Queen Elizabeth ll's legacy." Ross’s mother was born in Ventnor and his grandfather was a local Isle of Wight fisherman.

The planned route will take Ross from Felpham to Ventnor on the Isle of Wight. Weather permitting, he hopes to extend the row to visit other ports to try and raise more before returning to Felpham Sailing Club beach.

Reverend John Challis of St Mary's Church expressed his support: “Ross's dedication is truly inspiring. We are doing something not unique but rare in that we are replacing one of our plain windows with a stained-glass one dedicated to the life and service of HM Queen Elizabeth II. This project will not only beautify our church but also solve a practical issue for our choir, who currently struggle with direct sunlight during services."

The community is rallying behind Ross’s effort. A send-off ceremony is planned at Felpham beach, with local residents and church officials in attendance. Upon reaching Ventnor, Ross will receive a warm welcome from St Catherine's Church, highlighting the inter-community cooperation this venture has sparked.

Ross’s wife, Alison, will coordinate communication and tracking throughout the journey, ensuring supporters can follow his progress in real-time.

This challenging feat is more than just a physical challenge; it's a testament to the power of community spirit and individuals determined to make a difference. To support Ross Fisher's rowing challenge and contribute to the Platinum Window fund, visit the Just Giving page and, if possible, share the details with as many people as possible https://justgiving.com/stmarysfelpham