Diocese of Chichester

Bishop Ruth welcomes focus on unity as anniversaries observed.

Bishop Ruth has welcomed plans for next week's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity as the Diocese of Chichester continues to celebrate 2025 as the Year of Faith.

On 15 jan 2025

In Diocese of Chichester

By comms

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is traditionally observed nationally from the 18th to the 25th January and resources are provided by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland here

Bishop Ruth said today: "This Year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity comes as we continue to celebrate the Year of Faith - the 950 years since the founding of the diocese at Chichester. 

She added: "All our celebrations are also set within the anniversary of 1700 years since the Council of Nicea, which gave the global Christian church her creed. We join in unity with many other denominations in services of prayer and fellowship, giving thanks for the glorious gospel that unites all Christians through time and space."

Churches work together across denominational boundaries in a variety of ways in communities around Sussex. 

During Lent, for instance, churches often get together ecumenically to discuss what they have in common through faith. 

To mark next week there will be special services and events across the Diocese, an example of which is here from Horsham Churches Together.

Lord Jesus, who prayed that we might all be one,
we pray to you for the unity of Christians,
according to your will,
according to your means.
May your Spirit enable us
to experience the suffering caused by division,
to see our sin
and to hope beyond all hope.

Written by the Chemin Neuf Community