A statement issued today by the Bishop and Dean
A statement has been issued today by the Bishop and Dean, in response to the Independent Safeguarding Audit of Chichester Diocesan Board of Finance and Chichester Cathedral. The audit was carried out last year by the independent safeguarding group INEQE.
Here is the statement issued by the Bishop and Dean today:
"The findings in INEQE’s report are set against the background of the serious and well documented past safeguarding failures in this diocese. We are aware that for many survivors of abuse, the reality of these failings is ever present. That reality stands as a constant reminder of the vital importance of doing all we can to ensure continuous improvement of our safeguarding practice, and we wish to put on record our profound thanks for the huge efforts required across the diocese to produce the changes INEQE identify in their report.
"Those efforts have been made very largely by clergy and laity in parishes across the diocese, and at the cathedral, who continue to work tirelessly to ensure that children and adults are safe in our churches.
"There is no place for complacency in our striving to make our churches safe spaces for all. However, we welcome the opportunity to acknowledge the dedication and persistence which have made these improvements possible. This is reflected in the surveys completed by over 600 people working, volunteering and worshipping at the cathedral and in churches across Sussex, the ‘overwhelming majority’ of whom, the report states, expressed agreement that strong safeguarding culture and practice are now firmly embedded in the life of the diocese and cathedral.
"We welcome recognition in the INEQE report of the high quality of casework undertaken by the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, ably led by Colin Perkins, whose experience and effectiveness in collaboration with statutory authorities and others is noted. The team have also delivered a professional and well-received programme of safeguarding training for clergy and laity across the diocese, accompanied by ongoing advice and monitoring, together with innovative and effective support for survivors.
"INEQE have made a number of recommendations to assist the diocese and cathedral in their continuing journey of safeguarding improvement. The Diocesan Board of Finance and Chichester Cathedral Chapter will now carefully consider all INEQE's recommendations, to ensure that our safeguarding practice and provision continue to reflect the highest possible standards.
"Finally, we wish to thank INEQE themselves for their exemplary professionalism, and for the rigour with which they conducted the audit. Their report marks a significant milestone in the ongoing journey of safeguarding improvement to which both diocese and cathedral remain wholeheartedly committed.”
A copy of the report is available here on the diocesan website.
Background on INEQE
If you are worried about someone’s welfare or need to report a concern, a list of services offering help and advice can be located here