
Lay Ministers of Holy Communion are people authorised by the Bishop both to help distribute Holy Communion in the Church and to take Holy Communion (which has been consecrated at a Eucharist in Church) to members of the parish who are sick and unable to come to Church. Canon B12 indicates that lay people may only 'distribute the sacrament of the Lord's Supper' if 'authorised to do so by the Bishop'.
The Bishops in our diocese require all lay people who are to be authorised to exercise this ministry to participate in training. Training takes place either in a short diocesan course organized by each deanery according to that deanery's particular need or by the parish priest in the local parish. Those who wish to be considered for ministry as a LMHC should speak to their parish priest who will arrange for them to be nominated by the PCC for this ministry. Clergy wishing to arrange training for LMHC candidates in the deanery should contact the Rural dean in the first instance or arrange a training session themselves in the parish, for their own candidates. Please click here for all of the material needed for training and authorisation, together with revised guidelines.
If you have any further queries, please contact layministry@chichester.anglican.org
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