
This year there is no specific Harvest Appeal.
However, there are opportunities for parishes who wish to support work within our Link Dioceses to contribute towards students training for full or part-time Christian work – which is currently the principal focus of the Diocesan Overseas Council’s work.
The historic funds which support this are:
Inter-Diocesan West Africa Link (IDWAL) – in West Africa and Friends of Nakuru (FOK) in Kenya, East Africa.
On this page you will read about the ongoing work of the Diocesan Overseas Committee (DOC) and its overseas companion links. Also, there will be featured news stories, updates from theological students we have funded and links to stories about our ongoing funded projects from our linked partners.
Supported by Mothers' Union and Christian Aid.
In 2021 the Diocesan Overseas Committee (DOC) reviewed its work with its overseas link partners.
For many years, the Diocese of Chichester has enjoyed Companion Links with six dioceses covering nine countries. In West Africa since 1965 and Kenya since 1967.
This partnership that has been transformative and life-enhancing for many, has provided the privilege of experiencing how African Christians live in very different circumstances to those of us living in the West.
What are the links about?
In essence the links are about companionship, about praying for and learning from each other and meeting each other when possible.
Historically the DOC has principally supported ministry, whilst receiving a wide range of other requests including for building and income-supporting projects, or the costs of enthronements for example.
In attempting to support such a large number of dioceses spread over so many countries, and recognising the limitations implicit for a diocese rather than a parish, and aware of the fruitful partnerships that many parishes enjoy already, the DOC agreed to concentrate on three particular areas:
- BURSARIES: The primary focus to be on equipping future Christian leaders, by granting bursaries for Theological College,principally but not wholly Ordinands; including the provision of resources that will enable the development of their ministries.
- FRIENDSHIP: to build, foster and develop relationships with those in Christian work, as an aid to prayer and support.
- Diocesan CLERGY: Some training curates to be offered the opportunity to gain overseas experience of the Anglican Communion, or to visit the Holy Land. Applications also considered from clergy on EMDL, especially where their plans relate to our link dioceses.
The DOC has access to four funds, some of which are restricted to particular areas or type of potential support. In addition, there is usually an annual Harvest Appeal.
Current Student Support:
There are three students who are being supported in their training, two from Kenya and one from West Africa:
Gideon Kamwaro and Boniface Lepakiyo have both recently completed a one-year Certificate at Carlile College, Nairobi and are both now beginning a two-year Diploma Course.
James Bowen from The Gambia is doing a three-year course at St. Nicholas Seminary, Ghana; the DOC undertook to sponsor James for his first two years; he is about to start his second year.
Opportunities to study in his own country are limited which why he has to study abroad – Ghana is some five hours flight from The Gambia where his wife and family live.
Photo of James Bowen
Adam Tomalin has now completed his training with Crosslinks at George Whitfield College, Muizenburg, South Africa. He and his wife Nomfundo are seeking a post in her native Kwa-Zulu Natal. They remain very grateful for the support they received during their training.
Sponsor a student
If you would like to sponsor a student please do get in touch with The Revd James Campbell the Diocesan Companion Links Officer.
Generally, however, the DOC consider that building projects and income-generating projects are best supported by individual parishes. Similarly, schools are best supported by individual schools or parishes.
If your parish or school would like to consider supporting the projects of our link dioceses, please let us know. Contact The Revd James Campbell Companion Links Officer.
Who are we linked with?
The West African Dioceses
Six dioceses covering nine countries:
The Diocese of The Gambia covers three countries of The Gambia, Senegal and the Cape Verde Islands. The Cathedral is in Banjul in The Gambia.
The Diocese of Guinea covers the countries of Guinea, also known as Guinea Conakry and Guinea-Bissau.The Cathedral is in Conakry.
The Diocese of Freetown covers the Northern and Western half of Sierra Leone. The Cathedral is in Freetown.
The Diocese of Bo covers the Southern and Eastern half of Sierra Leone. The Cathedral is in Bo.
The Diocese of Liberia covers the country of Liberia.The Cathedral is in Monrovia.
The Diocese of Cameroon covers the country of Cameroon.The Cathedral is in Douala.
The Eastern African Dioceses
All the dioceses are in the Rift Valley within Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK); formerly there were three dioceses, now five:
The Diocese of Nakuru
The Diocese of Nyahururu
The Diocese of Kericho
Diocese of Baringo
The Diocese of Baringo is represented by 26 parishes with 90 congregations and only 23 trained and ordained clergy. There are 5 Archdeaconries and plans to create more parishes from existing ones as well as planting new churches in the vast unreached areas of Baringo County. You can read a fuller picture of the Diocese here
The Diocese of Maralal
A list of all Committee members can be found here.
Terms of Reference:
For information about the purpose of all committees in the Diocese please see the Diocesan Committee Handbook here.