- Lent 2025
- Racial Justice
- Baptism and Confirmation Resources
Church Buildings
- The Consistory Court of the Diocese of Chichester
- Judgments of the Consistory Court
- The Church Buildings Team and the DAC
- Permissions for Works to Church Buildings
- Archdeacons' Permissions - The List B Process
- Applying for a Faculty
- DAC Meeting and Site Visit Dates
- Site Visits and Informal Advice
- Diocesan Registry and Consistory Court
- Fundraising for Church Building Projects
- Resources and Useful Links
- Small Grants - Minor Repairs & Improvements and Net Zero Quick Wins
- Church Service Resources
- Communications Advice
- Data Protection and GDPR
- Emergency Contact Information
- Emergency Response Plan
- Faith at Home
- Generous Giving
Information and Resources for PCCs
- Annual Church Parochial Meeting (APCM)
- Guidance for Holding an Electronic or Hybrid APCM
- Annual Reporting
- Churchwardens Visitations
- Equality and Inclusion
- Giving and Generosity
- Information for Churchwardens
- Information for PCC Secretaries/Administrators
- Information for Parishes in Vacancy
- Information for PCC Treasurers
- Information for Electoral Roll Officers
- Making the Most of Assets
- Parish Records
- PCC Insurance
- Policy Templates
- Property Information for PCCs
- Safeguarding
- Information on Parish Share
- Information on Parochial Fees
- Living in Love and Faith
- Parish Buying Scheme
- Parish Development
- Parish Returns and Mission Statistics
- Partner Organisations and Useful Links
- Pastoral Reorganisation
- Parishes in Vacancy
- The Advisory Panel for Worship (AWP)
- Apostolic Partnerships

The Church of England's coverage across every part of the nation puts it in the unique position of being able to gather extensive statistical information. This includes:
- Attendance at regular services
- Special occasions
- Fresh expressions of church
- Financial information
Statistics are gathered at parish and benefice level and aggregated into Deaneries (clusters of 20-30 churches) and into Dioceses.
The aggregated statistics are used both by the church at national level and also by our own diocese.
If you have access to the Church of England's parish returns portal, there's a range of information that can be downloaded about attendance and finance via the 'reports' tab.
Mission statistics
The Diocese of Chichester uses the national parish returns system which is administered centrally by the Church of England. Parishes need to activate their account before submitting, and details of how to do so have been sent out to all parishes. If you have not yet received your activation instructions, please contact us.
The system has the ability to produce reports, giving instant feedback on how the church's data has changed over a ten-year period, which will be both helpful and informative for users.
Paper form
If you would like a copy of the paper form, please visit Parish Returns and scroll to the bottom of the page, where forms can be printed out.
Finance returns
Finance returns are not usually submitted until after your Annual Parochial Church Meeting, which will probably take place in March, April or May each year. (Church Law requires that the meeting happens before the end of May). Finance returns can be submitted through the same portal.
Contact Us
If you would like to speak to someone about the submission of your parish returns, please email the Parish Adviser or telephone: 01273 421 021