
If you would like to find out information about your local parish church, please use the search facility on A Church Near You.
A Church Near You is the Church of England's tool for people to find the nearest church to them with the features that they require. Looking for a church with a foodbank? We can help. After your local Alpha course? Look no further. Want a church with beautiful stained glass windows for your wedding? A Church Near You is your go to site.
Parish Boundaries
If you're familiar with this type of mapping tool, then you will have no difficulty panning and zooming to get the picture you need. If you're less familiar with Google maps, then the following may help to get you started:
- Use the checkboxes on the left of the screen to select or un-select the information that you want to see
- Use your mouse, finger (or other pointing device) to drag the map around the screen
- Use the + and - buttons to zoom in and out
Map showing Church of England parishes, summary information and deprivation figures.