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Addictive behaviour can manifest itself in a number of ways, perhaps most commonly with alcohol and drugs, but also in sexual and gambling addiction. St. Luke’s Healthcare for Clergy offers information, support and links: contact details are on this page.
A number of organisations provide information about and support for addictions, such as:
Drug dependency:
- National Drugs Helpline 24-hour: Freephone 0800 77 66 00
- Frank – gives free, confidential advice and information about drugs 24 hours a day. Telephone 0800 776600. Email Frank@talktofrank.com
- QUIT – gives advice and support to give up smoking. Telephone 0800 002200. Email advice stopsmoking@quit.org.uk
- PADA (Parents Against Drug Abuse) – Delivers support and services to the families of drug users. Telephone 0845 023867
- Families Anonymous – Help for families of drug users. Telephone helpline 0845 1200 660
- Narcotics Anonymous – this is a network of self- help groups for drug users based on the Alcoholics Anonymous approach Tel. 020 7730 0009. Email helpline: NAhelpline@ukna.org
- Adfam – a national charity for families and friends of drug users. They may be in contact with family support groups in your area
- Addaction – includes a range of printable harm reduction leaflets
- Drugscope – has a useful ‘frequently asked questions’ area covering general information about drug use, an overview of available treatments and a section on Government policy and legal aspects of drug use
- SMART – Self-management and recovery training is another abstinence-based approach offering an alternative to the well known twelve step process. A rapidly growing organisation, SMART offers tools and techniques in a four-point programme including strategies to enhance and maintain motivation to abstain, cope with urges, solve problems and achieve life-style balance
Gambling dependency:
- The CNWL National Problem Gambling Clinic - Based in London with doctors, nurses, therapists, psychologists, debt counsellors and family therapists with special experience in helping problem gamblers. 1 Frith Street, London W1D 3HZ, Tel: 020 7534 6699; Email: gambling.cnwl@nhs.net
- Gamcare – Gamcare runs the national HelpLine and its online equivalent, the NetLine, to offer help and support for people with a gambling problem, their family and friends. GamCare also provides face-to-face online counselling in many parts of the UK. Gamcare Helpline – 0845 6000 133
- The Gordon Moody Association – A charity which provides treatment and housing for problem gamblers. Tel: 01384 241 292
- Gamblers Anonymous – For 12 step meetings. Tel: 020 7384 3040
- Gamanon – Groups for relatives of problem gamblers. Tel: 08700 50 8880
Alcohol dependency:
- Drink Aware
- Turning Point
- Rehab4Addiction
- Royal College of Psychiatrists website provides extensive information about alcohol, its effects and what will help.
- Alcoholics Anonymous run twelve step programmes at numerous venues. Tel: 0845 769 7555. email: aanewcomer@runbox.com The twelve questions from AA will help you decide if you have a drink problem
- Drinkline – National Alcohol Helpline Tel: 0800 917 8282 Offers help to callers worried about their drinking and support to the family and friends of people who are drinking. Advice to callers on where to get help
- 50 Ways To Leave Your Lager - If you believe you’re drinking too much, or you know alcohol is having a detrimental effect on your life, this website can help
- Drink Smarter offers information and support for managing healthy drinking
- AlAnon supports families and friends of problem drinkers
Sex/pornography dependency:
- Covenant Eyes provides online accountability to someone for email and internet sites visited
- Sex Addiction Help is a free self-help recovery resource for people struggling with sex or pornography
- Sex Addicts Anonymous is a programme is based on the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous
- Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition-oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous
- The Marylebone Centre for Psychological Therapies Internet Pornography The UK and London’s first and longest running sex addiction treatment programme for men and women
- ATSAC – Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity is non-profit organisation that provides information and support on sex addiction and compulsivity to those with this problem