- Clergy CMD
- Clergy Conference
- CMD Developing Ministries Brochure
- Clergy HR
- Clergy Property Services
- Cost of Living - Support for Clergy
- Curacy (IME 2)
- Emergency Contact Information
- Emergency Response Plan
- Guidebook for Clergy
- Media Resources for Clergy
- Mentoring
- Ministerial Development Review (MDR)
- Permission to Officiate
- Retired Clergy
- Wellbeing for Clergy and Families
- Archbishop of Canterbury Visit

Every two years, licensed clergy in this Diocese have a Ministerial Development Review (MDR) meeting with a Bishop or Archdeacon, to discuss how their ministry is going and to identify areas in which they would like to develop. They then meet with the CMD Officer to devise a personalised Learning Development Plan. Full details are available here.
There is the possibility of some one-to-one support for those clergy who wish to move, but need support with completing applications and at interviews. Please contact the MDR Adimistrator Ruth McBrien.