- Clergy CMD
- Clergy Conference
- CMD Developing Ministries Brochure
- Clergy HR
- Clergy Property Services
- Cost of Living - Support for Clergy
- Curacy (IME 2)
- Emergency Contact Information
- Emergency Response Plan
- Guidebook for Clergy
- Media Resources for Clergy
- Mentoring
- Ministerial Development Review (MDR)
- Permission to Officiate
- Retired Clergy
- Wellbeing for Clergy and Families
- Archbishop of Canterbury Visit

There is a Diocesan Dean of Women’s Ministry who is available for support, The Revd Helen Garratt. Her contact details can be found below. Please contact her if you have any concerns and do not feel you are being adequately supported through other channels. She is also available at any time if you just need a chat. She is part of the Bishop’s Staff and attends all senior staff meetings. Therefore if there are things you would like raised in that forum she is able to do that on your behalf.