- Lent 2025
- Racial Justice
- Baptism and Confirmation Resources
Church Buildings
- The Consistory Court of the Diocese of Chichester
- Judgments of the Consistory Court
- The Church Buildings Team and the DAC
- Permissions for Works to Church Buildings
- Archdeacons' Permissions - The List B Process
- Applying for a Faculty
- DAC Meeting and Site Visit Dates
- Site Visits and Informal Advice
- Diocesan Registry and Consistory Court
- Fundraising for Church Building Projects
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- Faith at Home
- Generous Giving
Information and Resources for PCCs
- Annual Church Parochial Meeting (APCM)
- Guidance for Holding an Electronic or Hybrid APCM
- Annual Reporting
- Churchwardens Visitations
- Equality and Inclusion
- Giving and Generosity
- Information for Churchwardens
- Information for PCC Secretaries/Administrators
- Information for Parishes in Vacancy
- Information for PCC Treasurers
- Information for Electoral Roll Officers
- Making the Most of Assets
- Parish Records
- PCC Insurance
- Policy Templates
- Property Information for PCCs
- Safeguarding
- Information on Parish Share
- Information on Parochial Fees
- Living in Love and Faith
- Parish Buying Scheme
- Parish Development
- Parish Returns and Mission Statistics
- Partner Organisations and Useful Links
- Pastoral Reorganisation
- Parishes in Vacancy
- The Advisory Panel for Worship (AWP)
- Apostolic Partnerships

The Parish Giving Scheme is a national organisation which helps thousands of churches across the country with the way they take regular donations, tithes and giving.
It streamlines these processes for each participating church, every month collecting the church members’ financial giving on behalf of the church, claiming gift aid from the government, and then returning the total back to the church within ten days.
This means that it is easier for people who would like to give, and easier for the church to manage their financial procedures.
There is an additional special feature: you can setup an arrangement where the PGS helps you review your giving each year. They will suggest how much to increase your giving by to keep in line with inflation. You can agree or decline, as you choose.
The PGS is a registered charity (registration number 1156606). You can read more about them on their own website here: https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/home/ .
How to start giving
If you would give to your church on a regular basis using PGS, you have the choice of using a form, a phone call or online methods.
Form: ask your PCC treasurer or churchwardens about the PGS and ask for a gift form; or you can download and print the form at this link. Follow the clear instructions on the form for how to fill it out and where to send it.
Phone: telephone the PGS Giving line on 0333 002 1271. The team will be happy to take your call and set up the giving as you instruct.
Online: At the PGS website https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/home/, click on GIVE NOW in the top menu. Follow the easy pathway to find your church, register as a giver, and set up your monthly gift.
All giving via PGS is regulated and covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee system.
How to review giving
You may wish to set yourself an annual reminder for reviewing your giving, or you may decide to receive the yearly PGS inflationary increase suggestion. Either way, it is easy to change the amount you give, as and when you feel this is appropriate. You can do this by telephone, by post, by email, or by logging in to your giver account on the PGS website.
Whichever way you contact PGS, you will just need to quote the name and (if possible) PGS number of your church, your own details, and what you would like to change about your giving.
- Phone: Call 0333 002 1271
- Post: Write to Parish Giving Scheme, 76 Kingsholm Road, Gloucester, GL1 3BD
- Email: Write to info@parishgiving.org.uk
- Online: Go to https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/home and click Sign In
Download this booklet to see a fuller explanation of the Parish Giving Scheme and how to support your church in this way.
Related Resources