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Fees, Expenses and other Payments
It is diocesan policy that retired clergy who hold PTO in the Diocese of Chichester are entitled to retain 80% of the DBF's portion of the fee if they are taking a service, (capped for funerals in crematoria or cemeteries). In such cases the retired clergy are expected to undertake appropriate pastoral interviews associated with the relevant service. So far as practicable, the minister who will be conducting to the funeral is required to inform the minister of the parish where the deceased resided or was on the church electoral roll (if known) and seek his or her goodwill.
For these purposes, retired clergy means formerly stipendiary clergy who have reached state pension age, are not in stipendiary ministry, secular employment or self- employment, and who are beneficed, licensed or hold permission to officiate. It therefore includes retired house for duty clergy even if they are in receipt of an honorarium and/or housing allowance but no stipend or secular employment income. It does not include ministers who are over the state pension age but have earnings from part-time employment or self-employed work. It also includes clergy who do not meet those criteria, but who have been granted the right to claim fees by the Remuneration Committee.
Except where PTO ministers take funerals at crematoria or cemeteries, it is the responsibility of the PCC to receive the fees for the wedding or funeral, and to distribute any related payments to the respective recipients. Where PTO ministers take funerals at crematoria or cemeteries, the fee should be paid to the DBF, which will then pay a portion of the fee to the minister.
Further information, including details of the current fees and the form to claim a portion of the fee from the DBF, can be found at Information on Parochial Fees - Diocese of Chichester (anglican.org)
Occasional Duty Fees
Clergy retired from stipendiary ministry are entitled to a casual duty fee for Sunday or mid-week services conducted in a parish in which they do not habitually worship to cover for an interregnum or for sickness. Claim forms can be found below.