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We shall remember them
Remembrance Day is this Saturday (11th) and Remembrance Sunday follows on 12th November when parishes and local communities across Sussex hold services, ceremonies. parades and processions as the nation remembers.
We bring you four moving videos, from Christian veterans linked to our own churches, each reminding us of the continued importance of observing this period of Remembrance. You can watch the videos on our Youtube channel here or click on the links below to download the videos to share in your church.
We recorded veteran Roy Harland last year and we sadly learned that he passed away in February of this year. This recording took place in his nursing home in Worthing. we wre privileged to have been able to speak with him and capture this moving video. Thank you to Roy's family for allowing us to share the video again this year. RIP Roy.
Download Roy Harland Ex Royal Navy here
Download Peter Millar, Retired Air Vice Marshall here
Download Tom McDowell, Ex- Royal Marine Commando here
Download The Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club (AFVBC) interviews here
Download Colin Bligh, Veteran of the Tank Regiment British Army here
Many parishes join in with civic services at which other denominations and other faith leaders are often represented.
Where parishes have their own memorials, they are the focus of remembrance too.
The Royal British Legion encourages communities to come together to honour those who served and remember their sacrifice, uniting across faiths, cultures and backgrounds. Their website offers lots of resources for communities and how to make a donation. https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/
Don’t forget to let your local radio or newspaper know what your church is planning for Remembrance Sunday
Further resources
Every Poppy counts
Find out ways to fund raise and support your Poppy Appeal during these difficult times. Take a look at the Royal British Legion UK website for more information here.
Chichester Cathedral
Details for the cathedral's Remembrance Sunday service can be found here. and watch it live streamed here
Services in the Diocese
Please check A Church Near You to find out where the services are happening in your area. Civic services will be advertised in the local press. www.achurchnearyou.com
Newick Remembrance Trail Map
Twenty posters have been installed in and around the village of Newick, East Sussex each featuring the name of a Newick lad who lost their life in the First World War. The posters also include a QR code that you can scan with your mobile phone or tablet to find out the story behind the name. Find out more here