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Church Buildings
- The Consistory Court of the Diocese of Chichester
- Judgments of the Consistory Court
- The Church Buildings Team and the DAC
- Permissions for Works to Church Buildings
- Archdeacons' Permissions - The List B Process
- Applying for a Faculty
- DAC Meeting and Site Visit Dates
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Information and Resources for PCCs
- Annual Church Parochial Meeting (APCM)
- Guidance for Holding an Electronic or Hybrid APCM
- Annual Reporting
- Churchwardens Visitations
- Equality and Inclusion
- Giving and Generosity
- Information for Churchwardens
- Information for PCC Secretaries/Administrators
- Information for Parishes in Vacancy
- Information for PCC Treasurers
- Information for Electoral Roll Officers
- Making the Most of Assets
- Parish Records
- PCC Insurance
- Policy Templates
- Property Information for PCCs
- Safeguarding
- Information on Parish Share
- Information on Parochial Fees
- Living in Love and Faith
- Parish Buying Scheme
- Parish Development
- Parish Returns and Mission Statistics
- Partner Organisations and Useful Links
- Pastoral Reorganisation
- Parishes in Vacancy
- The Advisory Panel for Worship (AWP)
- Apostolic Partnerships

A Parochial Church Council is the governing body of a parish church. It includes the clergy, the churchwardens and members elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. It will typically meet four times a year to discuss and decide on things affecting the parish but larger churches may need more meetings and very small churches may need fewer.
PCCs may also make some decisions via email a year. More information about the guidance issued in the Diocese of Chichester can be found here.

The PCC is a team made up of members of clergy and lay members of the church. Together they are responsible for the overall wellbeing, practical as well as spiritual, of the church, the church members, and the church buildings. All members share equal responsibility for the actions of the PCC.
Responsibility for mission and outreach
The PCC has an important part to play in the mission and outreach of their church, amongst the congregation and in the wider community, and members of the PCC should demonstrate their commitment to the Christian ethos, through leadership, by example and by witness in the parish.
Responsibility to act for the public benefit
A PCC’s charitable objects are focussed on the advancement of religion which is recognised as being a charitable activity. Under Charity Law there is a statutory requirement for all charities to provide evidence that they operate for the benefit of the public.
It is good practice to demonstrate your commitment to public benefit by describing your various activities in the PCC’s annual report. Activities may include public worship, taking assemblies in local schools, organising or hosting projects for the local community, running small groups or providing financial support to other good causes.
Best practice is to demonstrate the impact that your activities had on beneficiaries' lives. The Charity Commission describes public benefit reporting like this:
"Reporting on public benefit should not just be seen as a legal requirement that trustees must meet and that the commission regulates. Done well, it can help you stay focused on what your charity is there to achieve. It can also help you demonstrate the value and impact of your charity’s work to its supporters, beneficiaries, grant makers and funding bodies."
Status of PCCs
PCCs are established as charitable corporations in law. This ensures that trustees are highly unlikely to have any personal liability, unless they are found guilty of fraudulent or seriously criminal or negligent behaviour. All PCCs are charities, but not all PCCs must be registered with the Charity Commission.
PCCs whose income, (excluding collections on behalf of other charities, parochial fees received on behalf of the diocese, and proceeds of sale of PCC property), is less than £100,000 are not required to register with the Charity Commission. This exception is always subject to review and currently applies until 31st March 2021. PCCs which are not required to register are known as “excepted charities within the meaning of Section 30 of the Charities Act 2011”.
PCC Members are the Trustees of the Charity. This page provides some resources to support the induction of PCC members by providing a briefing on what it means to be a trustee as well as a short guide to introduce PCC members to their roles and responsibilities as Charity Trustees. On this page you will also find the Trustee eligibility and Fit and Proper Persons Declaration which PCC members should complete and sign to confirm that they meet HMRC’s requirements to be considered a “Fit and Proper Person”.
Helpful resource.
'Tracks of Trustworthiness' provides biblical and contemporary insights into the role and responsibilities of being a trustee. The author, Heather Wraight, has wide experience as a PCC Secretary in her own Diocese of York and as a charity trustee locally and nationally. She sets out clearly what is expected of trustees and shares carefully researched stories from a wide variety of organisations and churches. While there are other sources of help about what trustees, including PCCs, should do, this book uniquely includes a biblical and theological perspective based on the books of Nehemiah and Daniel.
You can find out more and order a copy here Tracks of Trustworthiness website
“I am more than halfway through the book and I am finding it very useful indeed.
I plan to pass it on to … members of the PCC to read it too.”
Unregistered PCCs and a Charity Number
If a PCC does not register with the Charity Commission because it is an excepted charity, it will not have a charity registration number, only a HM Revenue & Customs registration.
A PCC should not use the charity registration number of the Diocese as it is not lawful for one charity to use the number of another. When asked for a charity number, please use the HMRC reference number instead.
Governing documents of a PCC
A governing document sets out the objects of the charity and the powers of the trustees. Sometimes PCCs are asked to provide copies of their governing documents. A summary can be downloaded as a pdf from the Parish Resources website.
Guidance from the Charity Commission:
The essential trustee
As charity trustees every PCC member should be given a copy (or the download address) to be able to read the Charity Commission's summary of the six legal duties of charity trustees.
Download the Commission's booklet
The booklet contains guidance on six important legal aspects of being a trustee:
- Ensure that your charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
- Comply with your charity’s governing document and the law
- Act in your charity’s best interests
- Manage your charity’s resources responsibly (also known as the duty of prudence)
- Act with reasonable care and skill (also known as the duty of care)
- Ensure your charity is accountable
Health and Safety Information for PCCs
Health and safety legislation applies to church buildings, as it does to any other public building; and PCC members are responsible for compliance with this. Health and Safety is sometimes seen as ticking boxes or as unnecessarily preventing people from doing things. Neither of these should apply – this is a stewardship responsibility that we take seriously. Whilst the work may be carried out by those who are responsible for looking after the building, it should be pastorally motivated. Church members, visitors, hirers of the hall, employees and volunteers all need to be kept safe, whilst the Church carries out its worship, mission and ministry.
For further information please click here.