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- Retired Clergy
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- Archbishop of Canterbury Visit

Welcome from Bishop Will
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
As the lead bishop for overseeing the retired clergy in the diocese I would first and foremost like to thank each of you for continuing to support the life and witness of the household of faith across the diocese. Our proclamation of the Gospel would be severely hindered without you all.
This guide draws together our policies and guidelines as a Diocese to better care for our retired clergy and enable the ministry each person is able to offer so that everyone is able to contribute according to their gifts and all are able to flourish.
I pray that together, we may continue to grow and flourish in our ministry however it is exercised, as we seek to know, love and follow Jesus.
Yours in Christ
The Rt Revd Will Hazlewood
The Bishop of Lewes

Bishops’ Chaplain for Retired Ministry
Simon works for 7 hours a week and his usual working day is Friday.
Tel: 01273 425 048