
Spiritual Direction
The diocesan Vision for Growth 2020-2025 focuses on the credal profession of faith ‘We believe in One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church’; holiness being one of the marks of the Church. It says: ‘We want to see our life flow out of prayer and worship, rather than see these things as one amongst other activities that we do.’ Seeking growth in our spiritual lives must be at the heart of our vision and activities.
Since the earliest centuries of the church, God has called Christians to offer support to others in their prayer life through forms of spiritual direction. This is a significant Christian ministry that requires a charism or particular gifting from God, rather than being something anyone can be trained in. It is essential that those involved in this ministry are themselves receiving spiritual direction, supervision and ongoing training, including in safeguarding.
Chichester no longer has a diocesan network of spiritual directors, following a significant review undertaken of spiritual direction within the diocese. However, the ministry of spiritual direction in Sussex continues, but it is overseen and resourced in a different way.
The London Centre for Spiritual Direction is an established and well-resourced Centre who already have directors from Sussex within their Community of Spiritual Directors. They would welcome applications by directors in the diocese who meet their training levels, safeguarding requirements and Code of Practice (https://www.lcsd.org.uk/resources/). They also offer a matching service for those seeking a spiritual director. Area co-ordinators for the Centre within the diocese can be contacted at spiritual.directors@chichester.anglican.org.
In addition, the Centre offers a three- year initial training course for those whose call to this ministry has been discerned. Spiritual Directors who are part of the Community network are given regular supervision and ongoing training.
A number of clergy, religious and laity exercise the ministry of spiritual direction within the diocese, maintaining appropriate support structures whilst not being part of the LCSD directory. These will often be known by the area co-ordinators (see above for contact details), but it might also be worth seeking the advice of local clergy who will often be aware of those exercising this ministry within a locality. The charism for this ministry within the Church has commonly been recognised by others who have sought their guidance.
Ultimately, it is not us but the Holy Spirit who is the director of souls, ‘God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us’ (Romans 5.5).Our prayer continues to be that more people across Sussex come to ‘know, love and follow Jesus’.
Related links:
Looking for a Spiritual Director… We are here to Help! Book a personalised half hour referral session with Antonia Lynn, Community Warden and Referrals Coordinator, for tailored guidance in finding your Spiritual Director. Or join one of our welcoming hour-long seminars led by Antonia which cover everything from understanding Spiritual Direction directory basics to exploring what our Community of Spiritual Directors can offer. Perfect for both newcomers and those seeking deeper spiritual guidance. Bring your questions - we're here to support your journey. Antonia is LCSD's Director of Professional Development as well as Warden of the Community of Spiritual Directors. She has a long-standing love of using art and iconography in spiritual direction and faith formation, especially finding connections with Ignatian spirituality. Antonia is Co-Director and a tutor on the Ignatian Spirituality Course based at the London Jesuit Centre |
Parish Ministry Costs Are you called to be a Spiritual Director? A Spiritual Director is someone who supports and encourages another to attend and respond to God, prayerfully accompanying them in their journey of faith. The focus is on growing intimacy with God and living out this deepening relationship in the realities of everyday life. As Andrew Walker so eloquently puts it, ‘The horizon remains the following of the prompting of the Spirit in the transformation of the human soul after the pattern of Christ in the service of the Kingdom of God.’ If this is you, come and join us at our Open Evening to find out more. It’s a chance to meet and talk with the Encounter Course Director, Maria Manuela Silva, and ask any questions you have. |
2024 Events To be confirmed