- Clergy CMD
- Clergy Conference
- CMD Developing Ministries Brochure
- Clergy HR
- Clergy Property Services
- Cost of Living - Support for Clergy
- Curacy (IME 2)
- Emergency Contact Information
- Emergency Response Plan
- Guidebook for Clergy
- Media Resources for Clergy
- Mentoring
- Ministerial Development Review (MDR)
- Permission to Officiate
- Retired Clergy
- Wellbeing for Clergy and Families
- Archbishop of Canterbury Visit

Scroll down to view all Trybooking events and training.
Bookings now open for the latest training here:
Welcome to the Developing Ministries brochure. The programme above offers training and resources that will appeal to those in every kind of ministry in the Diocese of Chichester. For alternative viewing, this brochure can be downloaded as a PDF by clicking on the 3 dots above and selecting Download.
The programme takes account of the training needs identified by clergy in their Ministerial Development Review, and of feedback from Readers and other lay ministers. It has been devised by Diocesan officers and advisors specialising in each area of ministry.
The courses and events listed in the programme are open to people serving in a diverse range of ordained and lay roles, and the vast majority are free. In each case, the programme gives details of how to book, and who to contact for more information.
All the information is accurate at the time of publication. You may also like to email any of the Diocesan officer or advisors listed on the back page, who will be very happy to update you on new courses and events that they are running.
In addition to these events, which are organised by Diocese of Chichester, there are many other ministry development training opportunities organised by other providers in Sussex and further afield. Please contact Ruth McBrien who will be happy to give more details upon request.
Your feedback on this programme and the course you attend is always welcome and we are always delighted to receive ideas for future events.