Diocese of Chichester


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    Mother's Union Link Magazine Editor - Voluntary role


    The purpose of this role is to take responsibility for the Diocesan Link magazine and all aspects of its production and distribution.

    Key responsibilities:

    To collect together articles for inclusion in Link, ensuring that the Diocesan President and Diocesan Chaplain have contributed materials.

    To edit these articles, where necessary, to ensure that each item is appropriate.

    To chase up news stories in conjunction with Sub-Editor, where necessary.

    To work with designer to create an attractive and informative Diocesan Mothers’ Union magazine.

    To ensure that a final deadline for copy to be sent in for the next magazine is placed in the current Link (i.e. approximately 6 – 8 weeks before Link is distributed).

    To collate, proof and finalise content sent in for inclusion in Link.

    To obtain quotations for printing costs and seek approval of costs from the Treasurer of the Chichester Diocesan MU.

    Obtain draft from designer and proof-read carefully. Liaise with designer should any amendments be required.

    To liaise with the Diocesan Administrator in order that she may produce labels containing: Branch name, District name and number of required copies. (Request that she produces addresses to which single copies of Link are sent if required.)

    To collate the finished Link magazines for distribution at summer and autumn Council meetings by placing the required numbers of Link into envelopes/bundles, which are clearly labelled. (In addition to Branch copies and individual copies, the Diocesan President will require an additional 70 copies.)

    To sort the assembled envelopes/bundles into Districts and tie, or place in boxes, together.

    To ensure that some copies are kept back in case a request is made for further copies of Link.

    Line management: Answerable to the Trustee Board.

    If you are interested in this role please email chichester.diocese@mothersunion.org