In 2015 a new five-year diocesan strategy was launched. As the five years draw to an end we have been consulting on the strategic focus for the next five years, building on the last five. That consultation has led to a new Vision for Growth 2020-2025, under which we will strive to be More Open, More Converted to Jesus Christ, More Generous and More Engaged. Further information can be found here.
Part of the consultation was at meetings in each deanery, where one of the three bishops outlined the current thinking and listened to your feedback. Another part was an anonymous survey, sent to all clergy and readers (in both cases both licensed and those with PTO); churchwardens; PCC treasurers, secretaries, administrators and safeguarding officers; Deanery Synod representatives; head teachers and chairs of governors. Recipients were encouraged to pass it on to congregation members, and anyone who lives in their parish but does not regularly attend church, some of whom (such as community leaders or members of Friends organisations) might wish to give their views.
The results of the survey can be found here.