
For all things come from you, and of your own have we given you. 1 Chronicles 29.14
Each one of us is being called to a deeper life of service to Jesus Christ in our baptism. How we live our lives and the choices we make each day are increasingly challenging. Hearing and responding to Jesus' call, 'Come. Follow me!' (Mark 1.17) each in our own contexts is complex and requires careful prayerful consideration. Scripture, our local church and the Sacraments are all keys way in which we seek to make sense of our lives by drawing near to Christ and we live out our decisions in our employment, in our families, in the way we serve our communities or even approach our own death.
In these pages, we hope to offer some resources within the Diocese for Christians to make sense of their lives and their calling. For some, responding to God's call will find its focus in deeper service to Jesus within the Church as an ordained minister or in some other form of authorized ministry, and you'll find details about this here.
Wherever God is leading you, remember:
- Firstly, God calls each one of us and every one of us, no matter where we are, because God made each one of us and loves us beyond our imagination.
- Secondly, God can use just about anything (even our weaknesses) to help us share in the ministry of Jesus, and he will equip us as we seek to be faithful to Him.
- Thirdly, God's plan for us is for glory and, through the Cross, can redeem our past.
- And, above all, draw near to God in prayer. 'Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.' (James 4.8)
To find out about any forthcoming events, take a look at our events page here
We have a regularly updated training and events brochure for lay people and clergy for every kind of ministry. You can read or download here
Prayer of St Richard of Chichester
Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ
Amen. |