
This initiative aims to help churches of all denominations care for creation as an integral part of loving our neighbours and following God faithfully in all aspects of church life:
- worship and teaching
- looking after church buildings
- engaging with the surrounding community
- engaging with global environmental issues
- personal lifestyles
The Energy Footprint Tool allows churches around the country to enter their utility bills and find out their 'carbon footprint'. You are unlikely to be able to access grants for NZC-related work if you haven’t completed your EFT submission. The EFT submissions platform opens every year in January and closes on the 31st July.
A specialist auditor will help you understand more about your particular energy use and make recommendations specific to your church building and its usage patterns to help you progress to NZC. The audit is a potentially important stepping stone to accessing grant funding.
Contact our NZC Programme Manager
We have set up a NZC ‘Community of Practice (CoP)’ so if you have questions or wish to share your experiences you can link with others in a similar position to you. We hope this will prove to be an ideal forum for encouragement, sharing and learning on all sorts of aspects such as technology, how to access technical advice, ideas of funding etc.
If you would like to join our NZC please complete THIS very short form (which should take less than 2 minutes).