
Join Arocha’s Eco Church Award scheme:
Complete the free online survey based on how your church cares for God’s earth.
The survey covers:
- Worship and teaching
- Buildings
- Land
- Community and global engagement
- Lifestyles

There are specific resources for parishes with graveyards and land:
Find out what your household’s impact is:
And take the next step to reduce your carbon footprint.
Get support and encouragement on your Eco Church journey!
We are asking parishes to appoint an Eco Church Champion to promote all aspects of Caring for God’s Creation, and to work through the Eco Church Award scheme. The Parish Environment Support Network (PESN) meets online every 6-8 weeks to share good ideas and practice.
To join the network or get more information about being a Parish or Deanery Eco Church Champion - email Revd Buff Forbes Stone, Diocesan Environment officer:
Climate change hits hardest the poorest countries and poorest people of the world. Meantime, the widespread destruction of the natural world is a crisis for creation. Joining with other Christian agencies amplifies our voices calling for radical change: